Curriculum Goals
Whether or not each child has previous preschool experience, teachers lay a foundation of early education for our 4-year-old students. Through a play-based program, routine, and structured activities, teachers will guide children in several areas of development.
Social/Emotional Development
- Demonstrates ability to adjust to new situations
- Engages in social interaction/plays with peers
- Engages in imaginative play/inventive thinking
- Participates in group time and demonstrates an understanding of rules and social expectations
- Engages in social problem solving and learns to resolve conflict
- Seeks adult assistance when needed, follows classroom routines, identifies/labels feelings in self and others
Self-Care/Personal Responsibilty
- Demonstrates respect and care for classroom materials
- Participates in clean up, accepts responsibility when asked
- Takes care of own bathroom/handwashing needs
- Keeps track of personal belongs at school
Fine Motor Development
- Cuts without assistance
- Holds a pencil with ease
- Begins to make recognizable shapes/letters
- Manipulates small items, exhibits eye/hand coordination
Gross Motor Development
- Runs
- Jumps
- Hops
- Gallops
- Balances
- Throw/catch a ball
Cognitive Development
- Observes/examines objects to gather information
- Demonstrates problem-solving skills
- Names colors
- Demonstrates positional words
- Understands/creates patterns, recognizes/names shapes
- Recognizes numbers 1- 10
- Counts objects using one to one correspondence
- Puts objects in size order
- Begins to understand simple measurement
Language Development
- Speech is understandable
- Communicates in full sentences
- Answers questions with a complete thought
- Understands and follows verbal directions of 2 or more steps
- Recognizes that print carries meaning
- Recognizes/prints own name
- Recognizes many alphabet letters/sounds
- Retells general ideas of stories when asked
- Recognizes/names opposites/rhyming words
- Participates in song and movement activities