Curriculum Goals
Teachers are laying the foundation of early education for our 3-year-old students. Through a play-based program, routine, and structured activities, teachers will guide children in several areas of development.
Social/Emotional Development
- Demonstrates the ability to separate from parents
- Adjusts to new situations
- Begins to recognize/label own feelings
- Connects with teachers as trusted adults
- Engages in simple interactions with peers
- learns early social skills such as sharing/taking turns
Self- Care/Personal Responsibility
- Washes hands on own
- Indicates need to use the bathroom with decreased assistance
- Chooses from several activity options
- Demonstrates respect/care for classroom materials
- Participates in clean up, participates in group activities
- Understands/follows expected classroom behavior
Fine Motor Development
- Manipulates objects with increased control
- Uses tools such as pencil/scissors/crayons with increased success
Gross Motor Development
- Runs
- Jumps
- Hops
- Begins to balance
- Begins to throw/catch a ball
Cognitive Development
- Observes/examines objects
- Begins to show problem solving skills
- Recognizes and names basic colors/shapes
- Sorts objects by color/shape/size
- Recognizes own name in print
- Counts to 10
- Counts objects
Language Development
- Speech is understandable
- Communicates in sentences
- Answers questions with more than a yes/no response
- Listens to stories
- Participates in songs/movement activities at some level
- Understands/follows simple directions